Bird Proofing Service

Common Urban Birds infestation such as pigeons, crows, sparrows etc: Urban pest birds pose a considerable threat to human health due to the number of diseases and bacteria that are present in their droppings and nests. The diseases relating to pest birds are: Ornithosis, Allergic Alveolitis, Histoplasmosis, Salmonella, etc.

Mode of Treatment

  • Nettings : Bird Protection Nets: We have developed a special net to get rid of this menace caused by pigeons without hurting or killing them. This net is made of HDPE ,UV Stablilised having mesh size of 1″ square & 1.1/2″ square.
  • Bird Spikes : Bird Spikes/Anti Bird Spikes: A bird control spike, is a device consisting of long, needle-like rods used for bird control. They can be attached to building ledges, street lighting, and commercial signage to prevent pigeons, wild or feral birds from perching or roosting.

Bird Proofing Service

Common Urban Birds infestation such as pigeons, crows, sparrows etc: Urban pest birds pose a considerable threat to human health due to the number of diseases and bacteria that are present in their droppings and nests. The diseases relating to pest birds are: Ornithosis, Allergic Alveolitis, Histoplasmosis, Salmonella, etc.

Mode of Treatment

1. NettingsBird Protection Nets: We have developed a special net to get rid of this menace caused by pigeons without hurting or killing them. This net is made of  HDPE ,UV Stablilised having mesh size of 1″ square & 1.1/2″ square.

2. Bird SpikesBird Spikes/Anti Bird Spikes: A bird control spike, is a device consisting of long, needle-like rods used for bird control. They can be attached to building ledges, street lighting, and commercial signage to prevent pigeons, wild or feral birds from perching or roosting.

3. Bird control spikes are used to deter these birds without causing them harm or killing them.
