Bed Bugs Control Service

Bed bugs live on human blood for survival. They generally hide in mattress seam and bed cracks. They may also hide in furniture and cracks & crevices in the wall. They spread mainly by baggage and clothing of travelers and visitors, bedding material and furniture. The bed bugs treatment may have to be repeated within a fortnight to ensure complete eradication of bed bugs.

Mode of Treatment

  • The treatment is done by spraying the insecticide, especially in the seams of the mattress and other places infested by bed bugs.
  • The bed bugs die on contact with the insecticide . The bed bugs treatment may have to be repeated within a fortnight to ensure complete eradication of bed bugs.

Bed Bugs Control Service

Bed bugs live on human blood for survival. They generally hide in mattress seam and bed cracks. They may also hide in furniture and cracks & crevices in the wall. 

They spread mainly by baggage and clothing of travelers and visitors, bedding material and furniture.

The bed bugs treatment may have to be repeated within a fortnight to ensure complete eradication of bed bugs.

Mode of Treatment

1. The treatment is done by spraying the insecticide, especially in the seams of the mattress and other places infested by bed bugs.

2. The bed bugs die on contact with the insecticide.

3. The bed bugs treatment may have to be repeated within a fortnight to ensure complete eradication of bed bugs.

Exterminators of insects in chemical protective suit with equipment and products set. Pest control service cartoon colorful Illustrations isolated on white background